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What people are saying about Web Standards Solutions, through reviews and weblog entries.

...it does a fantastic job at keeping the reader interested in the subject (something that is often very hard to do in technical books) and will definitely be a great business tool for you. —Slashdot

Cederholm's writing is original in style and insight... a resource no well-rounded Web craftsman should be without. —Digital Web Magazine

Dan Cederholm's Web Standards Solutions is hands-down the best book for web professionals this summer. Probably this year. —Molly Holzschlag

9 out of 10, which on my scale means you should have it on your desk, no questions asked. —Dave Shea

It's the type of material anyone involved in programming will savor, for Cederholm clearly demonstrates how to nest, re-use, and simplify style sheets and template structure for lighter, easier-to-maintain results. —Todd Dominey

Among books about XHTML and CSS, Dan Cederholm's "Web Standards Solutions" really stands out. —Matthew Linderman (37signals)

...it's a great reference tool as well as educational text that helps bridge the gap between theory and practice. —D. Keith Robinson

Fortunately for us Dan's book has made life a whole hell of a lot easier to write better, proper code that not only validates but works in all browsers. —Greg Storey

Dan's book has me re-thinking my entire approach to XHTML/CSS-based design. It makes me want to go back to every build and start afresh. —Simon Collison

I always wanted to — just didn't know how to do all that CSS wizardry. This book shows how. —Bruce Lawson

I'd have to say it was most like a conversation—albeit, a conversation with a really funny, bright designer who happens to be an expert on web standards and CSS and who doesn't mind sharing his own personal store of tricks and methods. —Kathy Marks

Dan's writing is simple, short and to the point with loads of real world examples! If you are serious about your web standards approach to the web, this book is for you! —Amit Karmakar

If you have ever had the slightest interest in web standards - this is for you. If you are a staunch standards advocate - this is for you. If you are starting out in web design, or a current pro - this book is for you. —apparently nothing

I've already started to memorize certain page numbers I keep going back to. This book will definitely secure a spot on the bookshelf at work, and will be closely guarded to make sure it doesn't disappear. —Thomas Duff

...an indispensible field guide to keep at your side while you face your daily web-design woes. —Mark Yuasa

...written in an engaging and light-hearted style that is fun to read. Definitely recommended. —Web Teacher

Dan explores the little things in (X)HTML that developers need to know... —graphicpush

...a cook-book full of yummy recipes for everyday work. It's a very light and enjoyable read... —ASP.NET Resources

This is not only a markup and style handbook but an accessibility guide as well. —Donny Truong

...I would go as far as saying everybody that adds markup to the web will benefit from this book. —Stephen DesRoches

...his book attacks standards where theory meets practice, explaining not only how to accomplish standards-based designs, but why. —Sharif Ewees